Live In Partial Caregiver in exchange for basement apt.

Private person Illinois1980

64 years - Married
60102 Algonquin
United States

0 €

Move-in ...
2022 Aug 12
Preferred Tenant:
Single | no matter J.

Shared Facilities:
none - Public transport: none
No Smoking/Pets, this would have a basement apartment 1 bedroom, living area, kitchen, bathroom, shower & bath. My M.I.L. has Parkinson's and needs a few times during the night/early morning with helping her up. Anxiety, and all meds and Parkinson's issues are handled by significant other that is currently living with her. Location, Algonquin, Illinois

General Conditions:

8 Hours per month
Pets: none
Driver´s licence is not required
Physical handicaps: parkinsons

Help needed with:

  1. Bearing company (companionship , storytelling )
  2. help getting out of bed
The options won't let me click gender: Female but Female is preferred for applicant.
Item No. 678 - Report entry